Instituto del Mar del Perú
El Pdte. del IMARPE Jorge Paz A. y el Pdte. de la Asociación Peruana de Productores de Anguila
Exitosa Noticias:
Darío Alvites, Peru leads the world in eel exports.
Agencia de Noticias Andina:
Peru leads eel exports: let's learn more about this marine species.
The eel boom in the Pacific: Peru leads the race for sustainable certification…
Perú lidera exportación of eel, but requires support from Produce to achieve certification in sustainable fishing…
Latina Noticias
Dario Alvites, leader of the Peruvian Anguilla Fisheries Improvement Project (PMP Anguilla)…
Diario Gestion
Anguila: Peru leads its exports and moves towards the highest international certification
Perú – Fisheries Certification: Peru is in the tail…
Seafood Media
Certificación de Pesquerías: Perú va en la cola…