
Our company continually strives to sustain its economic activity, considering social and environmental factors, and making its management a responsible action with resources.


In the Sustainability Committee, our objective is to approve the programs, plans and strategies for social and environmental sustainability. Review the progress of the programs and commitments acquired; as well as identify new potential actions aligned with our purpose.
Our Sustainability Committee is held monthly and is made up of an interdisciplinary group of collaborators from different areas, its members being:


  • General manager
  • Commercial manager
  • Logistics Manager
  • Logistics analyst
  • IT Manager
  • Head of Interinstitutional Relations
  • Head of Operational Excellence


Los Reportes de Sostenibilidad son la prueba tangible de nuestro compromiso y responsabilidad con factores sociales y medioambientales. El Comité de Sostenibilidad, integrado por líderes de diferentes áreas, trabaja arduamente para elaborar y aprobar estos reportes, con el respaldo y la aprobación de la alta dirección y nuestros accionistas. A través de los Reportes de Sostenibilidad, demostramos nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad y nuestro propósito de hacer de nuestra gestión una acción responsable con los recursos.


Sustainability policy

Eel Fishery


The Peruvian Eel Fisheries Improvement Project-FIP is a private initiative that aims to promote positive changes in the sustainability of the Peruvian eel (Ophichthus remiger) fishery, allowing it to achieve a “certifiable” status according to the Marine Stewardship Council standard. (MSC) in 2024.
It is led by the Peruvian Association of Anguilla Producers (APPA), whose president is our General Manager and has the technical and coordination support of Networks – Fisheries Sustainability.
You can consult the details of this initiative at:
North Peru Eel (Ophichthus remiger) trap fishery Peru Tumbes & Piura eel – trap
Anguila Peruana -FIP



In 2011, we promoted the preparation of the Fisheries Management Regulation (ROP) of Anguilla (Ophichthus remiger) established by the Ministry of Production through SUPREME DECREE N° 013-2011 PRODUCE in order to decree the fishery management measures for an exploitation rational and sustainable use of the resource and harmonize the participation of the different agents involved in the extraction and processing.
There are capture quotas established annually, based on the evaluation carried out by IMARPE.

Squid fishery


The Giant Squid Fisheries Improvement Project-FIP is led by the Peruvian Chamber of Giant Squid (CAPECAL), whose Vice-President is our General Manager. The companies that make up CAPECAL have joined forces to promote the sustainable use of Peru's giant squid fishery. Our goal is for this fishery to be aligned with MSC standards by the end of 2025.
You can consult the details of this initiative at:
Cámara Peruana de Calamar Gigante (CAPECAL)



The giant squid fishery has had a Fisheries Management Regulation (ROP) since 2011. Additionally, the giant squid resource has an annual capture quota.


Responsible company with the care and protection of the environment that complies with current sectoral legal standards; as well as the rational use of hydrobiological resources and adoption of clean technologies aimed at the prevention and control of impacts on the environment.

social responsability

We are aimed at contributing to sustainable human development, through the commitment and trust of the company towards its employees, their families and the local community in order to improve the social capital and quality of life of the community.